
Education & Youth Studies

教育与青年研究系提供跨学科的理论与实践课程,通过共享奖学金促进社会责任. In the context of current and future changes at the local, national, and international levels, 该部门致力于响应课程,试图满足我们的学生谁是未来的教育工作者不断变化的需求, mentors, counselors, social workers, therapists, and social justice advocates and leaders.

该部门为有兴趣在K-12教室教学的学生提供各种教学证书. 获得认证的学生将获得威斯康辛州的教学执照,该执照也可以转移到大约40个其他美国学校.S. states. 此外,本系亦设有不需领牌的课程,供有意从事与教育及青年研究有关的广泛研究的学生选修. Graduates from the EDYS program pursue careers in teaching, school counseling or psychology, social work, occupational therapy, international education, higher education administration, human resources, environmental education, social justice advocacy, youth development programs, and more.




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