Resources & Opportunities

Bring your Work to Life Beyond the Classroom

Enter your Work in Writing Contests

We have an extensive array of creative writing contests each year with a range of recognitions and prizes. After initial screening by Beloit faculty, each contest is judged by a writer, literary critic, or faculty member not teaching at Beloit. The Mackey Award is judged by an established American author.

The deadline for all contests is Friday Dec. 8, 2023 at 4:00 pm. 

Any questions regarding the contests should be directed to Chuck Lewis ( or any instructor of creative writing. 

Work with a Mackey Chair

Established in the late 1980s by Willard Mackey’47 in honor of his wife, Lois’45, this program brings an author of distinction to the Beloit College campus for all or part of one semester to teach an advanced course in creative writing. “Mackeys,” as these professors are called, also give public readings, which are among the most anticipated and best attended events on campus. Learn more about past Mackey Chairs.

Collaboration and hands-on experience are the foundations of Practicum in Literary Editing, a cou... Collaboration and hands-on experience are the foundations of Practicum in Literary Editing, a course that has produced the Beloit Fiction Journal for nearly 30 years.

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