Merit Scholarships


Beloit College recognizes academic achievement, talent, leadership, community engagement, and service — and potential in all of these areas. 奖学金是根据学生申请的整体实力及其在贝洛伊特社区的潜在影响来颁发的.

我们的优秀奖学金吸引那些为伯洛伊特教育的学术严谨性做好充分准备的学生, creating a vibrant community of future scholars, leaders, and innovators.


  • The Presidential Scholarship is one of Beloit’s most prestigious academic honors. 选择是基于卓越的学术成就和作为学者和对十大菠菜台子做出贡献的持续成功的潜力.
  • The Eaton Scholarship 表彰在学术上取得杰出成就并表现出卓越领导才能的学生.
  • The Deans’ Award 是提供给那些有成功希望的学生的吗, 无论是在课堂上,还是在为十大菠菜台子做出有意义的贡献.

学术优秀奖学金不需要考虑额外的步骤. 奖励主要基于未加权的GPA报告,使用如下所示的范围. 优异奖学金不需要考试成绩.

Scholarship Name Award Range Per Year GPA Range
Presidential Scholarship $39,000-42,000 3.5 - 4.0
Eaton Scholarship $35,000-38,000 3.0 - 3.49
Deans’ Award $24,000-27,000 <3.0

Transfer Merit Scholarships

All transfer applicants are considered for the Trustee Transfer Scholarship, 它承认大学的学术成就和对伯洛伊特课堂和社区产生积极影响的潜力.

受托人转学奖学金不需要考虑其他步骤. 奖励主要基于大学GPA,使用如下所示的范围.

Award Range Per Year College GPA Range
$37,000-$39,000 3.5 - 4.0
$33,000-$36,000 3.0 - 3.49

Eligible transfers may also receive the Phi Theta Kappa Award, 该机构认可证明自己是Phi Theta Kappa会员的转校生, 世界上最大和最负盛名的两年制大学生学术荣誉协会. To be eligible for the up to $3,000 per year award, 学生必须在转学申请截止日期前申请转学,并提供Phi Theta Kappa会员证明. 具有双学分的一年级学生不符合资格.

Porter Scholarship

每年,来自伯洛伊特地区合作高中的班级前10%的高中三年级学生都会被他们的高中辅导员确定申请 Porter Scholar Program to take a Beloit College course.

波特学者在伯洛伊特学院(Beloit College)至少一门(一单元)课程中表现优异(获得“B”级或更高),并完成本科入学申请,就有资格获得这项奖学金 $5,000 per year award.

Music Scholarships


音乐系弦乐组的成员在赖特博物馆的庭院里演奏音乐会... Beloit’s performing & applied arts department is a welcoming community that includes performers, composers, listeners, engineers, teachers, and historians — and is open to majors, minors, 以及对音乐有热情的学生. Performances, courses, ensembles, lessons, and myriad opportunities for collaboration are open to all.

The Sau-Wing Lam and Marjorie Brown Leff Music Scholarships 每年都会根据学生的天赋和潜力,为伯洛伊特学院音乐系做出贡献.

所有有兴趣在贝洛伊特学习音乐的申请人都可以申请. 学生不需要是音乐或表演艺术专业或未成年人才有资格. To retain these awards, 获奖者必须通过注册一个表演合奏团或每学期参加课程来为伯洛伊特的音乐项目做出贡献.

Recipients are awarded up to $5,000 per year.

Apply for Music Scholarships

More information

Scholarship Renewal

伯洛伊特学院的优秀奖学金可以同时颁发,最高可达47美元,000 annually.

奖学金的续期取决于学生的维持情况 Satisfactory Academic Progress and not being in any warning or probationary status with the Dean of Students Office.


For questions about merit scholarships, feel free to reach out to your admissions counselor.

While the Financial Aid Office does not award merit scholarships, 他们很乐意回答你可能遇到的任何经济援助和负担能力问题. Call or email their office today!

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