

伯洛伊特学院的学生有着非常悠久的行动主义和创业传统. 每当学生想尝试新的或不同的东西, Beloit often provides the opportunity, regardless of official sanction. 19世纪,学生们的资金和艰苦的劳动建造了我们的第一座体育馆. Back then, students also formed literary societies, banjo clubs, social fraternities, and a “base ball” team, 有时没有得到学院教师和管理部门的批准. In the 20th and 21st centuries, 学生组织经常出现,引起轰动,然后在创始人毕业后消失. Some groups, 比如bsffa——贝洛伊特科幻与幻想协会——被证明是长久存在的, while others, such as the Cannabis Club of the mid-’90s, 只过了一两年就像一团烟雾一样熄灭了.

学生们总是渴望为他们的创造性工作找到出路. The Beloit College Monthly, and later, the Round Table, 为初出茅庐的记者和散文家提供了充足的空间,偶尔还会出版“文学”特刊, 但对于严肃的文学作品来说,新闻纸的形式似乎太短暂了. In early October 1929, 就在几周后,华尔街股市在“黑色星期二”崩盘,” Beloit College senior Kenneth B. Arrington hatched out a plan. As Round Table 编辑:他发现在报纸的头版上宣传他的想法很容易。

伯洛伊特将来可能出版一本文学季刊. 大多数像我们这样规模的学院都有出版物,展示学生和教师的典型作品……在伯洛伊特,很长一段时间以来人们都感到需要一些这样的杂志……人们相信,伯洛伊特的文学期刊领域是广阔的,前景是光明的……

而不是走一条完全独立的路线, 总编阿灵顿和他刚成立不久的编辑团队通过学院活动委员会寻求官方批准. 委员会很喜欢这个计划,这家尚未命名的出版社的工作人员也在宿舍里进行了讨论,” huddled outside on crisp autumn afternoons, 在卡内基图书馆的自习室里大声低语. 到10月底,他们有了预算,有了提交作品的截止日期,终于有了名字: Blue Moon.

计划要求制作一本48页的订书钉杂志,用优质的纸张和吸引人的封面. The staff organized a subscription drive, offering three issues for one dollar, while charging 35 cents per single copy. Editors also sent out a call for submissions:

Anything of a literary nature, 从非常自由的诗歌到深刻的哲学散文都是可以接受的, 故事和诗歌[杂志]将用木刻和图画作插图.

在接下来的几个星期里,蓝月亮的工作人员继续征求意见. 可能是为了不打击投稿人, by early November, 他们对“非常自由的诗”的要求已经演变成“极其自由的诗”.他们还特别对油毡版画和线条画感兴趣. 随着时间的推移,这种独特的艺术作品成为该杂志的突出特色之一.

Meanwhile, 总编辑亚瑟·亨利·格兰兹和他的工作人员向社区企业寻求付费广告, many of which were happy to oblige. Blue Moon’s first issue featured, among others, 威斯康辛州电力与照明(“通电就是满足”), 穆克兰鞋店(“用x光透视正确装鞋”), and the Hotel Hilton, announcing its new coffee shop. In a special “Chapel Campaign,” Blue Moon staff managed to snag 200 student subscribers, 由此产生的促销吸引了更多的订阅.

到12月初,《菠菜白菜吧》似乎已经准备好按计划出版了. Unfortunately, on Dec.18, the Round Table 宣布读者们要等到圣诞假期之后了:“然而, 这期杂志几乎所有的材料都准备好了……这本杂志将非常吸引人,并包含克兰西教授和克劳福德教授的有趣文章.同一期杂志指出,威斯康星大学出版了25年的文学杂志由于缺乏学生和教师的支持而停刊. “我们没有‘警惕地看待这件事’,”这位专栏作家写道,“因为我们觉得伯洛伊特会让它成功。.”

按照大多数文学杂志的传统,出版前会有进一步的延迟. 然后,1930年1月寒冷的一天,为了提供一些文学上的温暖, Blue Moon appeared in all its glory, 散文和诗歌设置在古老的卡斯隆字体之间,色调丰富, appropriately blue cover.

Blue Moon 继续作为校园文学和艺术的场所,直到1934年停止出版. 也许是大萧条时期不断加深的金融困境导致了这一切. Over the next 80 years, 学生作家和艺术家创办了其他著名的文学杂志, including Satyre, Avatar, and Pocket Lint, but Blue Moon,以其令人惊叹的装饰艺术风格封面,是开拓者.

Of no concern my momentary clay,

Flaming with fevers, fall in a day

To baleful broken coal of pain and sorrow –

The flesh of yesterday, today, tomorrow.

The coddled bone and sinew, these shall pass

Down to dead embers, as any blazing mass.

Small consequence the body of the pyre,


But paramount the wistful flame, serene,

Nurtured by embers; the spirit, tremulous, clean,

And sinewy blue like the shadow of a soul

Eerily dancing on the dying coal.

As any blazing birchwood falls apart,


An essence that goes winding to a cloud

In a ghostly flame within a smoking shroud –

So may I go, when my burning boughs crash

And nothing remains but feebly glowing ash,

And wisp of spirit spiraling and bending

Starward in tenuous flame and smoke ascending.

“Flame and Smoke” by Lew Sarett, class of 1911, published in the second issue of Blue Moon, April, 1930.

September 19, 2013

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