Inaugural festival set students’ sights on arts careers

艺术连接汇集了有抱负的学生艺术家和成功的校友的灵感, 网络, career exploration, 和 advice on how to take the “starving” out of “starving artist.”

Olivia Love'19是芝加哥的一名音乐家、艺术家和活动组织者. She was one of nine work... Olivia Love ' 19是芝加哥的一名音乐家、艺术家和活动组织者. 她是参与校园艺术连接的九位在职校友艺术家之一.
Credit: Elisabeth Balistreri’21
贝洛伊特的 艺术频道, a subset of the Career Channels program, sponsored the Arts CONNECT Festival in September. 这个为期一个周末的活动邀请了芝加哥的校友艺术家,他们向学生们推广艺术,并展示了如何在贝洛伊特之后将艺术作为一种职业. Nine alumni participated in eight events, including 网络, 表演, a discussion about the business of art careers, 和 a how-to panel on podcasts.

Arts CONNECT Festival Performance

赖特艺术博物馆举办了四位校友艺术家的表演和演讲:Harry Kuttner ' 14, Agnotti 考伊’09, Charlie Vail’18, 和 Olivia Love’19. 从 视觉艺术跳舞 to 音乐 performance 和 comedy, 这些活动让学生们感受到了艺术职业生涯的广阔范围.

Visual artist Kuttner talked about his work with clay, among other materials, that integrated funny song lyrics onto his zany artworks. 在他的项目中有一个大型合作画廊叫做 Children of the Playhouse, inspired by the popular Pee-Wee’s Playhouse.

考伊, 一个舞者, 喜剧演员, 和小丑, 出现下一个, carrying a spectacular bundle of bags filled with r和om items. Their act included popping bubbles, squeezing a rubber chicken, 和 sitting in a hilariously small chair. Agnotti从事行政工作以支持她的演艺事业.

As Agnotti stumbled off stage with an armful of bags, Love 和 Vail took their places for the next performance. Vail majored in 跳舞 和 critical identity studies 和 is currently employed as a seamstress. 她继续追求她的激情,在芝加哥从事专业舞蹈.

Love majored in theater performance 和 describes herself as an event organizer 和 art fabricator. 她的激情, 然而, is 音乐 performance, 和 so she also performs at bars 和 other venues in Chicago.

18岁的查理·韦尔(Charlie Vail)在阿拉斯加州赖特博物馆(Wright Museum of Ar)诠释了19岁的同乡奥利维亚·洛夫(Olivia Love)的音乐... 在赖特艺术博物馆里,18岁的查理·韦尔(Charlie Vail)演绎着19岁的同好奥利维亚·洛夫(Olivia Love)的音乐.
Credit: Elisabeth Balistreri’21
Vail 和 Love gave a collaborative performance, 爱在吉他上弹奏着忧郁的旋律,这是韦尔通过现代舞想象出来的. Collaboration is a huge part of what they both do, not only performing together for Arts CONNECT, but also co-producing 和 starring together in a podcast. As self-described best friends, 他们从不错过一起工作和利用彼此优势的时刻.

For the afternoon’s last performance, Love shared three of her original songs, 其中两篇是她在伯洛伊特大学时写的,第三篇是在2020年写的. The finale was a cover of “Rocket Man” by Elton John, 和 she encouraged the audience to sing along to the last lines.

在表演结束后,学生们有机会与艺术家们交流和聊天, 询问他们是如何在职业生涯中取得今天的成就的,以及他们在此过程中遇到了哪些障碍.

The Business of Art

On Saturday afternoon, Arts CONNECT events continued with Sarah Bowden’06, Carly Newman’15, 和 Jon Dudley’20 speaking about the business of being an artist. The event, held at the Center for Entrepreneurship (名人) in downtown Beloit, 的目的是, as moderator Maurice Ragali put it, to explain the “not-so-sexy part of being an artist,” 和 how to effectively navigate that un-sexy world.

鲍登从事导演、演员和剧作家的工作,并在一所高中教授人文学科. A creative writing 和 theater major at Beloit, she has had plays produced in Chicago, 纽约, 费城, 和斯德哥尔摩.

纽曼在Etsy上经营一家企业,这是一个买卖艺术品和手工艺品的数字市场. She creates both small items, 喜欢耳环, 和 larger 视觉艺术, some of which has been displayed in Chicago galleries.

20岁的乔恩·达德利在贝洛伊特大学主修历史,并对合唱有着近乎终生的兴趣... 20岁的乔恩·达德利在伯洛伊特大学主修历史,并对合唱音乐有着近乎终生的兴趣. He performs with his choir for students in Beloit's Eaton Chapel.
Credit: Elisabeth Balistreri’21
After majoring in 历史, Dudley continues to pursue vocal work. 他从10岁起就参加了合唱团,并在许多城市演出, including Chicago.

这三位艺术家谈论了他们对艺术事业成功的看法, as well as strategies to deal with its struggles. 他们说,成功包括艺术、社会和经济上的成就,并要平衡这三者. Each works an additional job alongside their art.

艺术家们强调,艺术中最重要的职业技能是“安排”, 调度, 调度,” as Dudley puts it. Without a clear 和 written plan for artistic work, it gets ignored in favor of other money-making duties.

当被问及他们的艺术实践中“不那么性感”的部分时, the alumni had a few things to say. 鲍登提到,搞清楚合同的细节并不诱人. 对纽曼, it’s packaging 和 mailing her work for her Etsy business, 她说,这有时比创作艺术更耗费时间和金钱. 对达德利来说,这是保持合唱团的团结,并确保每个人都准备好表演. All three artists made it clear how much they enjoy their work, 和 that when they do it right, 他们赚了很多钱,能够帮助改变他们的社区和世界.

How to Make a Podcast

学生们涌入贝洛伊特的创业中心,向Chic学习更多关于播客的知识... 学生们涌入伯洛伊特大学的创业中心,向芝加哥的校友查理·韦尔(Charlie Vail)学习更多关于播客的知识, center, 和 Olivia Love'19. At left is 音乐 instructor 和 panel moderator Br和on Kipp.
Credit: Grayson Jensen’25
A second panel took place at 名人 over the Arts CONNECT weekend. 校友 Charlie Vail 和 Olivia Love, who performed at the Wright the day before, 与音乐教练布兰登·基普会面,讨论并回答学生关于新兴播客行业的问题.

Nearly a year into quarantine, these two best friends had the idea to sit down together, 看浪漫喜剧, 和 explore the tropes through a feminist 和 anti-racist lens. 他们的播客“比喻与梦想”目前已经有30多集了.

Podcasting is still a new 和 evolving industry. For curious students, Vail和Love推荐了Audacity和Anchor等免费软件. 基普谈到了录音技术,并谈到了他每学期教的音乐录音课.

布莱恩黑樱桃他还强调,创业中心是两者的家园 Maple Tree Recording Studio 一楼有一个新的播客套房在二楼. For students with projects they want to get up 和 running, he said 名人 is the place to go, with resources not only for recording media, but also for making buttons, printing stickers, 和 curating an art gallery.

As budding professional artists, 韦尔和勒夫强调,艺术家应该在每一个机会为他们的工作获得报酬. 艺术界因对身无分文的艺术家的看法而臭名昭著, but there are methods to avoid that.

For Tropes 和 Dreams, Vail和Love使用Patreon——一个致力于支持独立内容创作者的在线业务. 他们的听众承诺每月捐出一定数额的钱,以换取早期内容或其他福利. The Anchor program also helps producers monetize their podcast.

As the talk came to a close, 两位校友, 欧洲酸樱桃, 基普提醒学生们,校园里有很多机会让他们在艺术事业上有一个飞跃. 从音乐系的课程到通过名人参加艺术会议, 正如莫雷洛所说,贝洛伊特努力“想办法让饥饿的艺术家摆脱‘饥饿’”.”

By: Sam Doherty'25, Grayson Jensen'25
October 05, 2022

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