

萨尔玛阿里的21 和 Qudsia哈立德的21 spent their summer promoting the greater 贝洛伊特 region through internships with Visit 贝洛伊特.

萨尔玛阿里的21Qudsia哈立德的21 拜访贝洛伊特的两个暑期实习生, 被称为“拜访贝洛伊特摇滚明星”的办公室, which is the official marketing organization for the greater 贝洛伊特 region. Visit 贝洛伊特 reaches out to members of the community to promote local tourism 和 small businesses. The international students—Ali is from Bangladesh 和 Khalid from Pakistan—worked in Visit 贝洛伊特’s office three days a week 和 visited local events on Saturdays to distribute information about all that 贝洛伊特 has to offer.

When did you start working with Visit 贝洛伊特, 和 what was your experience like?

阿里:我是Visit 贝洛伊特公司的一名回国实习生. 我去年夏天在那里工作过,我很高兴能回来! It has been a very enjoyable experience—there was always something new to do or try, 有很多团队合作(我喜欢), 我每天都能认识新朋友. 工作环境非常协作. My supervisors gave me a lot of freedom in terms of how I chose to carry out my tasks. 这给了我成长和挑战自我的空间. I also worked closely with my fellow interns (there were four of us in total). 我们集思广益,一起完成项目.

Khalid:今年夏天我开始和Visit 贝洛伊特合作. 每一天都是一次新的学习经历, whether I was inside the office or out 和 about spreading the word about the city I live in.


哈立德:我们去了威斯康星州伯灵顿的巧克力节.在密尔沃基,麦迪逊和罗克顿,伊利诺伊州的事件. In early June we attended 贝洛伊特’s Farmers Market 和 it was so much fun.

Ali: We traveled in 和 around 贝洛伊特, about a two-hour radius, to promote the city of 贝洛伊特. This included baseball games (who doesn’t love the 贝洛伊特 Snappers!)、农贸市场、音乐节、儿童跑步等等. We carried promotional 和 informational material—travel guides, 事件日历, 还有关于贝洛伊特公司的传单, 景点, 和事件. We offered free Weekend Getaway packages to the public through a raffle. 这是一个自己动手的包,包括住酒店, 餐馆和商店的礼品卡, 一个活动, 比如跳伞,都在伯洛伊特!


Khalid: They definitely included a lot of traveling 和 learning about the places around the 贝洛伊特 area, 我错过了什么. I educated myself 和 others that downtown offers an exceptional array of boutiques, 画廊, 餐厅, 咖啡店, 和 an award-winning open-air farmers market with 更多的 than 100 vendors. 哇,伯洛伊特,你有很多!

Ali: One of the best parts of the job was the writing—I wrote blogs, 网站内容, 和杂志文章访问贝洛伊特. Writing about 贝洛伊特’s businesses, 景点, food options, 和事件 was very refreshing! 我去了一些新餐馆,写了一些关于食物的文章.


Ali: Pushing myself to learn new things was a part of the job. I was working with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for the Visit 贝洛伊特 website, 和 it taught me a lot about improving 网站内容 和 organization. 我参加了一个关于搜索引擎优化的在线课程.

卡立德:通常是我在办公室的时候, I worked mostly on writing blogs 和 updating the Visit 贝洛伊特 website. This definitely helped me improve my writing skills, 和 I learned 更多的 about website management.


Ali: My friend Samantha Abrams’18 recommended this internship to me last year. The college’s Liberal Arts in Practice Center 和 the Career 和 Community Outreach Center also helped me complete my résumé 和 prepare for the interview.

Khalid: I saw postings about the internship on the 十大菠菜台子 Student Group on Facebook 和 on the Liberal Arts in Practice Center’s Toolbox online. My very close friend, Salma, who worked there last summer as well, recommended me.

你为什么选择在Visit 贝洛伊特而不是其他地方工作?

Ali: I chose this internship because I love writing 和 traveling. 工作环境很好,待遇也不错. I think the city of 贝洛伊特 is undergoing very positive changes 和 I wanted to share that with our community members, 游客, 以及以前没有听说过贝洛伊特的人.

Khalid: The people I worked with—my supervisors have been supportive since day one—made this a perfect place to work. This internship has definitely helped me to improve my intellectual 和 communication skills. I learned new things every day 和 educated other people about what 贝洛伊特 has to offer. Hats off to the Visit 贝洛伊特 team 和 my amazing supervisors who are working really hard for the city of 贝洛伊特, 引进游客, 和 showing an interest in giving opportunities to students like me.

How did studying the liberal arts at 贝洛伊特 prepare you for this kind of work?

Khalid: It prepared me to do what I thought I would never do: come out of my comfort zone, 与不同群体的人交流, 并与社区成员建立联系. 主修心理学, it is really fascinating to analyze the different patterns of behavior—the way people react to new places 和 environments. I believe a liberal arts education has definitely shaped my abilities to perform these tasks efficiently.

Ali: I’ve become a better writer 和 a 更多的 productive team player. I learned how to step out of my comfort zone 和 communicate with diverse individuals. 所有这些都被证明对开发内容非常有用, 与同事合作, 与人交流. I have been wanting to work with urban development for a while now. 在贝洛伊特旅游的幕后, 看到生意兴隆, 经济引擎, 和 facing challenges have certainly furthered this goal of mine.


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