Susan Kasten
May 01, 2018

Seeing the Border, First Hand


一次由学生带领的边境意识之旅将他们带到了一个已经成为我们这个时代的熔炉的地方:埃尔帕索, Texas, 美国城市,与城Juárez隔着一堵高墙, Mexico. There, over five days, 他们把关于移民的激烈言辞放在一边,试图自己观察边境上正在发生的事情.

“We saw this as an educational opportunity,” says Laura Savage’18, 这次旅行的主要组织者,国际关系专业的学生. “这是一个了解移民、移民和边境问题的人性层面的机会.”

学生们用各种各样的方式讲述了这次旅行——没有一种是中立的. “Eye-opening,” “intense,” “immersive,” “emotional,和“令人愤怒”是他们用来描述这段经历的词.

First-year student Superior Murphy’21, an aspiring lawyer, 她说,她希望每个人都能“真正沉浸在移民问题中”, not in the politics or the buzzwords, but in the humanity of it.“呆在边境埃尔帕索一侧的一个移民收容所让学生们做到了这一点.

They started their days at 7 a.m. 继续参观景点,与人交谈,直到晚上11点. 他们参观了一个拘留中心和一个边境巡逻博物馆. 他们在一起驱逐案中观察了法庭程序, hiked in the dusty heat, and visited with refugee advocates. Walking the border wall that separates Juárez and El Paso, 他们从美国方面看到并拍摄了这个超大的建筑, where it stretches as far as the eye can see.

因为大多数伯洛伊特人会说西班牙语, 他们可以听到和他们一起住在一个叫Casa Vides的避难所的难民的故事.

Annunciation House runs Casa Vides, 它的宗教使命是为移民提供庇护, the poor, and the homeless. 天使报喜之家成立于20世纪70年代,在边境的埃尔帕索一侧经营着两个避难所. Its namesake shelter serves those with ongoing needs, 例如,在政治庇护案件和医疗情况下提供住所. 维德斯之家是美国寡妇的临时住所.S. 并有权享受其配偶的部分社会保障. This was one of the eye openers: To collect their money, these women, most elderly and residents of Mexico, 必须搬到美国或每年至少在美国呆两个星期. 许多妇女没有足够的资金去旅行,而那些不能旅行的人将被没收资金.

Murphy was moved by the plight of the people she met, especially children separated from their families, 还有那些忍受苦难领取幸存者抚恤金的妇女. She’s always been interested in the law and cites U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall as her hero, 但边境的经历给她的计划带来了更加尖锐的问题.

“My whole life I’ve wanted to be a civil rights attorney, 所以现在我对人权和移民法以及这个过程是如何运作的很感兴趣,” Murphy says. 她计划在伯洛伊特大学主修政治学,然后再攻读法学院.

Alondra Guzman’20 also joined the group. A double major in health and society and Spanish, 她出生在墨西哥,从3岁起在芝加哥长大. As an immigrant herself, 她对自己的许多经历都有强烈的反应, including face-to-face interactions with border guards. “我从没想过我会坐在边境巡逻人员面前,而不被问及我的合法身份,” she said.

旅途中最困难的一段是访问一个拘留中心, which looked exactly like a prison to students. 大楼里有一个单独监禁单元,尽管它被称为“特殊住房单元”.“该中心拘留了来自世界各地的人,他们在各种情况下进入美国.

“巡演期间我真的很激动,因为这里和监狱太像了, and these people hadn’t committed any crimes, 除了来这个国家寻求庇护或逃到这里,” says Murphy.

“There were 50 men thrown in one room with no privacy, no comfort, and no contact with the outside world. 当我们穿过走廊时,男人们盯着我们看,”古兹曼说. “我们不应该像对待移民那样对待任何个人. These people leave behind their homes, their language, 和他们的文化来到美国,为自己和家人过上更好的生活. How is that a crime?”

萨维奇还对这群人访问拘留中心感到感动. “看到无辜的人被拘留是令人愤怒的,”萨维奇说. 她解释说,该中心关押着非法越境的人,以及那些合法向官员提出寻求庇护者的人.

边境意识之旅的灵感来自以前围绕移民和边境问题组织的学生旅行. 萨维奇从学生会和伯洛伊特大学的韦斯伯格人权项目获得了2018年春假旅行的资金. 对边境问题感兴趣的学生可以申请参加这次体验, which was fully funded.

With a Venture Grant during an earlier summer, Savage volunteered in Tabasco, Mexico, 他与一家非营利组织合作,该组织为前往美国的中南美洲移民提供临时援助. “这种经历加上当前围绕移民的政治——很多人都在谈论移民,却没有很多第一手的知识——让我想去埃尔帕索.”


For her part, 墨菲意识到,她本可以把这宝贵的一周假期花在更典型的, light-hearted spring break. “But I’ve already been to the beach,” she says. “这是我一生中最有价值的经历之一.”

Susan Kasten is the editor of Beloit College Magazine.

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