取向, 建议, & 课程

Your first course, professor, advisor, and friends.

Summer 取向:

  • July 15-19 (Online)

建议 & Registration:

  • 7月22-Aug. 2(在线)

Related checklist items

As soon as possible

Mark your 日历

  • 正在进行的 -咨询和春季课程注册(与您的AMP顾问单独预约-查看您的电子邮件以获取更多信息)
  • 1月. 22 – First Day of Classes

Academic Preparation

Summer 取向 (July 15-19)


Meet your classmates, learn about all of our favorite spaces on campus, 并在我们的虚拟暑期迎新节目中抢先了解一下贝洛伊特的住宿生活.

In addition to lots of fun events, 你将有机会与学校的主要工作人员联系,并就健康等重要问题问很多问题, 安全, and financial wellness. Invite your family and supporters!

All events will be offered twice per day, once in the morning and once in the evening, so choose the sessions that work best for you and your family. 的 full Summer 取向 schedule will be shared in June.

Don’t hesitate to email us at orientation@贝洛伊特.edu if you have questions.


建议 & Registration (7月22-Aug. 2)

Meet your mentor and classmates and choose your fall courses.

During Summer 取向, 你将与你的AMP指导老师、你的同学和其他顾问进行第一次小组会议. We’ll cover how advising works at Beloit, credit and curricular requirements, information for specific careers and majors, and how to actually register for courses in the Beloit Portal.

After Summer 取向, 您将与您的AMP顾问进行一对一的会面,以做出最终选择并注册秋季课程. Appointment registration will be available soon.

In preparation for advising & registration, 我们鼓励您查看下面的信息,以获得有关伯洛伊特课程的更多信息.

You can also meet the AMP Advisors, and explore the AMP Intro 课程.

Registering for 课程/建议 and 指导


During the group advising session, 你将讨论伯洛伊特的课程和课程注册过程, connect with fellow incoming students, and ask any and all questions you may have.

During the individual advising session, you will work with your AMP Advisor to explore available courses, discuss your interests and goals, and build a course schedule for success.

在校园迎新期间,你将有更多的机会与你的导师联系,并完善你的时间表. 浏览下面的内容,开始考虑你的课程安排.

More Information

Textbooks and Course Materials

伯洛伊特学院在这里帮助您快速,轻松地获得所有的课程材料和书籍通过我们的 online textbook ordering service. Through this service, created in partnership with Akademos, Inc., 伯洛伊特学院允许学生在课程开始之前在伯洛伊特学院在线书店购买他们的书籍和其他必需的课程材料,并将这些购买直接记入他们的学生账户.


  • 目前,所有学生都可以订购教科书 Bursar’s Office approval of individual student accounts.
  • Each student will be able to charge to their student account, up to $800 per semester, for required course materials at the Beloit College Online Bookstore.
  • 可以记入学生账户的购买仅限于教科书, art supplies, office supplies, and supplies for your residence hall room.
  • 直接向您的学生帐户收费将在第二个mod开始后大约两周结束. 你将有时间得到你的第二模书和材料正确的时候,你需要他们.
  • 每个学期都需要批准向学生账户收费, 学生账户上的所有消费都必须通过 Beloit College Online Bookstore.

为了获得学生账户的收费特权,学生必须得到学校的批准 Bursar’s Office in Financial 服务.

  • Bursar’s Office 如符合下列要求之一,本公司将予以批准并直接通知本书店:
    • Your student account is paid in full for the current Semester.
    • 本学期的付款计划与学费管理系统(TMS)一起制定. (Payment plan must be current and not past due)
  • 要在您的帐户上付款或设置付款计划,请访问 贝洛伊特.负担得起.com

如果您对通过教科书订购服务向您的学生帐户收费有任何疑问, please contact the Bursar’s Office at (608) 363-2224 or studentbilling@贝洛伊特.edu.


Appointments are available between July 20 and July 30. Reach out to your AMP Advisor or advising@贝洛伊特.edu with questions. 使用您创建入学帐户时使用的电子邮件地址登录.

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