Course Registration


Registration Process


  • Current Students 在课程开始前的一个学期,咨询他们的导师并在线注册课程.
  • New Students register for courses with their advisor.
  • Special Students 在有空间的基础上注册课程,在攻读学位的学生之后.

Dropping Courses

有时学生发现自己在一门或几门课程中有困难. 这个学生可能选了一门太难的课程, 一次学很多难的课程是不是太多了, or may have gotten behind due to an illness, etc.

Please review the Academic Calendar for the course drop deadlines.


只要有学生在等待一门课程, 未经教师授权,学生不得选修该课程, 即使入学人数低于上限. 教师可以授权候补名单和非候补名单的学生超过入学上限或放弃先决条件. These are separate authorizations; either one or both may be added by the instructor for a student.  See 课程授权及候补名单(学生) or 课程授权和候补名单(针对教员) for a Portal view.

  • If you are on a waitlist and the instructor authorizes you to enroll, 您仍然需要进入门户中的添加/删除窗口才能实际注册课程. 您需要删除该课程,然后重新添加, 或者您可能会收到提示,将您的状态更改为已注册.
  • If you are not on a waitlist and the instructor authorizes you to enroll, 您仍然需要进入门户中的添加/删除窗口才能实际注册课程. You will need to add it.
  • If you no longer want to be on a waitlist, then please drop yourself.


If you have any questions, please email 或在正常工作时间到注册办公室.

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