作者:Lynette Lamb


The press has a crucial role to play in keeping people and 政府s accountable, 但最近, journalists around the world have been maligned and silenced–even violently attacked. 今年春天, with guidance from one of the world’s top advocates for press freedom, 贝洛伊特 students had the chance to dig deeply into this timely issue.

现在做记者不容易. 2018年,全球至少有54名记者遇害, 根据保护记者委员会的说法, 其中34人涉嫌谋杀. 世界各地的政权都在压制新闻自由, 甚至在我们自己的国家——长期以来以致力于宪法第一修正案而闻名——许多政客也几乎向媒体宣战.

Probably the most famous recent case of journalist murder was the brazen killing of 华盛顿邮报》 专栏作家贾马尔·卡舒吉去年10月在沙特驻伊斯坦布尔领事馆被沙特特工逮捕. Khashoggi had been openly and regularly critical of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

尽管对美国的威胁.S. journalists are less frightening and less frequent than those to journalists abroad, 暴力确实可以发生在离家很近的地方. 从20世纪70年代末开始, two 十大菠菜台子 alumni have been killed as they went about their work as reporters.

鉴于新闻自由面临的威胁越来越大, 十大菠菜台子委员会每年都会选出一名韦斯伯格人权和社会正义主席——这是贝洛伊特更大的韦斯伯格项目的一部分——今年决定请一名新闻自由方面的专家到校园来.

Weissberg项目, founded in 1999 by 贝洛伊特 parent Marvin Weissberg and his daughter Nina Weissberg’84, 由维斯伯格基金会赞助, 20年来一直用人权和社会正义的视角来教育贝洛伊特大学的学生并赋予他们权力. 除了一周的春季实习, 该计划包括一个秋季人权论坛, 学生助学金和奖学金, 以及教职员工的机会.

乔尔·西蒙, longtime 保护记者委员会执行主任s, 关于新闻自由的定期评论员, 曾是拉丁美洲的自由撰稿人, 被选为今年的主席. 在CPJ任职的13年里, he has led the organization in launching the Global Campaign Against Impunity, 建立记者援助项目, 并通过创建一个专门的技术项目,带头捍卫数字领域的新闻自由.

西蒙说,赌注从来没有这么高过. “I firmly believe that information is power in this age,他说. “Whether you’re a college student in the United States or an isolated rural farmer in China, 为了获得控制和机会, 你需要信息. 我相信,负责收集和传播这些信息的人受到了前所未有的威胁.”

Having a press freedom expert on the 贝洛伊特 campus this year was especially timely, 政治学副教授雷切尔·埃利特说, 是谁围绕西蒙的来访设计了她的春季研讨会. “This is a really interesting time to be thinking about freedom of speech,她说。. “我们的学生在上大学的时候,很难知道他们所读的东西应该相信什么. 校园里有人是新闻自由领域的主要思想家他正在研究, 实时地, how this new generation of journalists can be protected—that’s exciting.”

虽然埃利特的课, called “Weissberg Seminar on Freedom of Expression in the Media,的课程与西蒙的来访最为吻合, two other 贝洛伊特 classes also took advantage of his week on campus. 在他的课程《十大菠菜台子》中, 阴谋论, 社交媒体:不断变化的媒体格局, 政治学助理教授菲尔·陈(Phil Chen)在报告中加入了一个章节,讨论媒体独立性面临的新威胁以及人们对美国政府信任度的下降.S. 媒体. 在她的人权研讨会上, Manger Professor of International Relations Beth Dougherty featured a section on press freedom.

Dougherty was among the faculty members who chose Simon to be this year’s Weissberg Chair. “考虑到目前的政治气候, 媒体被称为人民公敌, we decided press freedom was a perfect topic and had good scope, 因为它关系到国内和国际,她说。. 也, 她说, the Weissberg committee always seeks a speaker whose topic will appeal to alumni, 朋友, 以及校园之外的其他人.

That inclusive quality of Weissberg Week really spoke to Jesse Wiles’19, 伍斯特大学社会学专业的学生, 俄亥俄州. “维斯伯格周将来自校园内外的更广泛的人群聚集在一起,他说. “这是一个获得新视角和与更广泛的人交谈的好方法.”

Then there are the many other advantages Weissberg Weeks bring to 贝洛伊特’s students. Simon参观了多个班级, 作主题演讲, 参加小组讨论, and attended informal lunches and meetings with dozens of additional students. “My class with Professor Ellett allowed me to have discussions with Mr. 西蒙,这本来是不可能的,20岁的可可·查尔斯说, 来自纽黑文的计算机科学专业, 康涅狄格州. “除了听取和讨论他对我正在研究的国家——美国——的了解之外.S.—I gained his in-depth knowledge of all the countries my classmates had researched.”

在实习前不久接受采访时, 西蒙说,他非常期待参加这样一次深入的校园体验. 他说:“我经常和大学生见面,但通常都是单向的:我和他们聊天。. “I’ve never done anything this intensive before, and I’m really excited about it. This experience will be an immersion, and 更多的 of a conversation.”

西蒙还认为,他的实习是一个很好的机会,可以更好地了解下一代如何看待新闻自由问题. “我期待有机会参与, 理解, 学习, 和新一代的人交流,他说.

有机会认识像西蒙这样的人, 人权领域的顶尖从业者, 是“韦斯伯格周最棒的事情之一?,陈说。. “Students can ask questions and talk about what it really means to work in this area, 在地上, 这对他们来说是非常宝贵的经验.”

这当然是查尔斯的情况. “学习计算机科学, 我对科技如何被用作攻击和压制言论自由的手段特别感兴趣,她说。. “我不确定我最终会选择什么样的工作道路, but as technology is increasingly used as a method of suppressing free speech, 我将不可避免地卷入这个问题.”

这个话题对21岁的法希姆·艾哈迈德来说尤其切中要害, 他来自阿富汗,主修经济和国际关系. “我来自一个饱受战争蹂躏的国家,在那里,记者不得不在危险的条件下工作,为人民提供信息,他说. “They receive constant threats from all sides involved in the conflict. [Ellett研讨会]课程, 再加上韦斯伯格周的体验, 扩展了我对新闻世界的理解, 如果我将来从事新闻工作,他会帮助我.”

在多尔蒂和埃利特的课程中, 学生们选择了一个国家进行研究, 通过各种智库和非政府组织进行研究,探索其言论自由的趋势, 被称为非政府组织. 除了西蒙自己的优秀组织——定期发布许多国家的新闻自由状况报告——学生们还从无国界记者组织那里寻找信息, 新闻自由基金会, 和其他人.

艾哈迈德, 例如, 研究了土耳其, and said Simon was very helpful in explaining the current situation in that country. “I 学习ed that journalists play a significant role in any society, as part of their role is to inform people and to make 政府s, 包括专制政权, 对他们的行为和政策负责,他说. “我明白了信息就是力量, 世界各地的专制领导人都在试图控制信息,让公民蒙在鼓里.”

其他学生准备了关于俄罗斯的国别报告, 墨西哥, 南非, 和乌克兰, 在其他国家中.

来自俄罗斯的国际学生班级成员的存在增强了班级的全球方面, 印度, 通过一门半单元的配套课程,招收了8名在中国和苏格兰等国留学的学生.

Although the logistical challenges of involving distant students are undeniable, 还有技术故障和时区差异, 实验总体上进行得很顺利, 埃雷特说. “我们的想法是想办法把出国留学的学生和在校学生联系起来,扩展他们的学习.”

Weissberg周Google Hangout会议, 包括西蒙, Ellett, 和她的伯洛伊特学生,以及8名在国外学习的学生, 是一次巨大的成功吗, 她的报告. “Joel had some great insights on the countries the students were studying,她说。. 例如, 克莱尔Eigenbrode 20, 他来自莫斯科,主修环境研究, 爱达荷州, 从基多打来电话, 厄瓜多尔, to discuss recent efforts in that country to reform an oppressive communication law. Simon had lobbied for that reform while on a CPJ mission the previous year. “Talk about great firsthand accounts and experiences,” 埃雷特说. 西蒙还将本格布罗德和一名在香港学习的学生与他在这些地区工作的同事联系起来.

All the students came away with a profound sense of the importance of press freedom worldwide, 这是他们不太可能忘记的教训. “我认识到,保护记者和信息自由对世界的福祉至关重要,社会学学生怀尔斯说. “我认为西蒙和保护记者委员会正在做21世纪最重要的工作之一,就是保护记者,提高人们对他们的认识,以及他们为传递信息所付出的努力.”

Lynette Lamb is a Minneapolis writer and the parent of a 2019 贝洛伊特 graduate.



葛也50 葛也50
记者人身伤害的真实威胁已经影响到了伯洛伊特大学自己的校友群体. Both 葛也50 and 路加福音萨默斯08年 were killed because of their work in the news 媒体.

博尔斯是一名调查记者 亚利桑那共和国 whose murder in a 1976 car bombing has been linked to his coverage of the Mafia. The bomb was planted in his vehicle while it was parked in the newspaper’s employee lot. Shortly before his death, he had asked to be taken off the investigative beat.

The Newseum, an interactive museum of news and journalism located in Washington, D.C.博利斯1976年的Datsun 710是纪念这位遇害记者的画廊的中心展品.

“唐·博尔斯的死是美国历史上一个开创性的时刻.S. journalism,” says 乔尔·西蒙, 保护记者委员会执行主任s. “这让我…….S journalists and the public realize that they, too, can face violent threats.”

路加福音萨默斯08年 路加福音萨默斯08年路加福音萨默斯08年, 在伯洛伊特大学学习创意写作的人, 2014年在也门被基地组织绑架并最终杀害时,他是一名自由摄影记者和摄影师.

美国.S. 政府, which makes a practice of refusing to pay bribes for its kidnapped citizens, 发起了两次营救萨默斯的行动,但都以失败告终. By the time he was mortally wounded in the second rescue attempt, 萨默斯已经被扣为人质一年多了.


在他最近出版的书中, We Want to Negotiate: The Secret World of Kidnapping, Hostages and Ransom, Simon writes about the politics of paying ransom to free journalists who are held as hostages. 他的书中提到了卢克·萨默斯的案例.



威斯伯格人权与社会正义课程在伯洛伊特学院已经有20年的历史了. The chair holder serves as a centerpiece of year-round programming and resources, and features a who’s who of human rights leaders on a global stage. 这一切始于1999年, with the first chair holder: prominent Palestinian educator and legislator Hanan Ashrawi.

将人权专家带到校园“为我们的学生揭开了杰出的政治人物的神秘面纱, 帮助他们看到自己的生活和事业是如何发展的,雷切尔·埃利特说, 他是一名政治学教授,在2019年的春季研讨会上以言论自由为主题授课. “这些人中的每一个人都致力于公共服务,都在追求一个更公正的世界.”

以下是过去十年Weissberg椅子的特点,以及他们探索的主题. 有关完整的列表,请参阅贝洛伊特的网站 http://www.Beloit.edu/residencies/weissberg-chair/.


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