July 02, 2015

Top Honors

Distinguished Service Citation and Young Alumni Award recipients join President Scott Bierman during Reunion Weekend.

Distinguished Service Citation and Young Alumni Award recipients join President Scott Bierman dur...

From left are David Goodfriend’90, Dick Niemiec’65, President Bierman, Lisa Hasenyager’05, and Steven Cohen’75. Goodfriend, Niemiec, and Cohen received Distinguished Service Citations, the Alumni Association’s highest award.

Stephen Gregg'80 was given the first Distinguished Service Citation ever awarded posthumously. Ha... Stephen Gregg’80  was given the first DSC ever awarded posthumously. Hasenyager received the Young Alumni Award.

Also In This Issue

  • Single Largest Cash Gift Ever

  • And the Honors Terms Go To

  • Summer of 2015 Beloit College Magazine Cover

    Beloit’s Dreamers, the President’s Kitchen, and more


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