

Recognizing members of the 十大菠菜台子 community we have lost.


  • Rose Law Miller, 42岁, world traveler, human rights activist; June 7, 2021, in Hanover, N.H. She was predeceased by her husband, Harry Miller, and is survived by one daughter and 两个儿子.
  • 南希·诺布尔·墨菲,47岁, active community member, avid bridge player and golfer; May 27, 2021, in Red Oak, Iowa. She was predeceased by her husband, Tommy Murphy, and is survived by two daughters.
  • Mary Alice Gilmer Vigneault, 47年, devoted bridge player and traveler; May 3, 2021, in Charleston, W. Va. She was predeceased by her husband, Frank Vigneault, and is survived by her two daughters.
  • 弗兰克·R. “Bob”Gartner的49, U.S. Army veteran, retired professor of range and forest science; June 26, 2021, in Rapid City, S.D. 他的妻子去世了, Barbara Gartner, one daughter and one son.
  • 尤金年代. 蒙哥马利的49, U.S. 海洋公司. veteran, retired sales manager; April 18, 2020, in Madison, 威斯康星州. He was predeceased by his wife, Cathryn Montgomery, and is survived by 一个女儿 and a son.


  • 托马斯·R. 威廉姆斯的50, retired executive vice president, golf enthusiast and fisherman; March 12, 2021, in New Vernon, N.J. He was predeceased by his wife, Emilie Williams, and is survived by 两个儿子.
  • 奥托Baxa的51, U.S. Army veteran, retired program manager; Aug.2020年7月7日,伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德. He was predeceased by his wife, Alyce Baxa, and is survived by two daughters and 两个儿子.
  • 弗吉尼亚·凯泽·迈尔斯51年, active community volunteer; May 20, 2021, in Carmel, Ind. 她的丈夫保罗. 迈尔斯51岁,他有两个女儿.
  • 弗朗西斯·汉密尔顿,52年, retired librarian; July 25, 2020, in Naples, Fla. 她的第一任丈夫弗农. Breiby’53, and is survived by her husband, Richard Hamilton.
  • 伊娃·索伦森·斯旺,52年, retired executive secretary; April 1, 2021, in Portland, 矿石. 幸存者包括两个女儿和两个儿子.
  • 罗杰·T. 布莱克的53, U.S. 海军预备役老兵,美国联邦调查局退役特工.S. Customs Service; May 11, 2021, in Dover, N.H. 幸存者包括他的女儿Erika Brekke 01和一个儿子.
  • 杰拉尔德·格里·G. 小镇的53, U.S. Army veteran, retired research chemist; Dec. 2020年12月12日,伊利诺伊州霍夫曼庄园. He was predeceased by his wife, Dulcie Echternach, and is survived by two daughters and 两个儿子.
  • 芭芭拉·艾薇·约格斯特,1953年, involved community volunteer, traveler, writer; March 6, 2021, in Houston, Texas. 她的丈夫艾伦. 乔格斯特,53岁,妹妹,卡罗·艾薇·沃克,50岁. 幸存者包括一个女儿和一个儿子.
  • 詹姆斯米. 保罗的53, U.S. Air Force veteran, retired administrator; June 15, 2021, in Elgin, Ill. 他身后有两个兄弟和一个妹妹.
  • 牧师桑普森·罗杰斯三世,53年, retired rector; July 5, 2021, in Menomonie, 威斯康星州. 他的妹妹先于他去世, 珍妮·罗杰斯,Power ' 40, 他还有一个侄女, 一个侄子, 大家庭, 和教区居民.
  • Nancy Reinicke Golberg, 54岁, retired vice president of Delta Dental Plans Association; March 8, 2021, in Evanston, Ill. 幸存者包括三个女儿.
  • Gene " Pat " Carroll ' 55, U.S. Army veteran, retired from Carroll Electric; March 22, 2021, in Milwaukee, 威斯康星州. He was predeceased by his wife, Patricia Carroll, and 一个女儿. 幸存者包括一个女儿和两个儿子.
  • 弗雷德里克·W. 坎普弗尔的56, U.S. Navy veteran, retired accountant; Feb. 2021年2月2日,佛罗里达州墨尔本. 他去世前有一个女儿. 幸存者包括他的妻子, Kathleen Kaempfer, one daughter, and one son.
  • 丽塔·鲁迪·麦卡蒂56岁, retired mathematician; April 8, 2021, in Saratoga, Calif. She was predeceased by her husband, Lyle McCarty, and brothers, David T. 54年的鲁迪和埃尔默C. 鲁迪的53. 幸存者包括两个女儿和两个儿子.
  • Joan Kieweg Safford ' 56, retired sales clerk; April 2, 2021, in Willow Street, Pa. She is survived by her husband, David Safford, and three sons.
  • 罗伯特·H. “鲍勃”米勒的57, U.S. Army veteran, retired attorney; Aug. 2021年9月9日,伊利诺伊州德斯普兰斯. 他的儿子先于他去世, 他的妻子比他活了61年, 米勒的唐, 还有一个女儿.
  • 罗伯特W. 天使的58, U.S. 陆军空军老兵, 巡游, 丹佛大学名誉教授, 热心的自然资源保护主义者和动物活动家, and founding member of the Southern Plains Land Trust; March 25, 2021, 在恩格尔伍德, 科罗拉多州. 他的第一任妻子先于他去世, Elissa Becker, 57届, 他的第二任妻子还活着, 阿比盖尔天使, 和姐夫, 地质学名誉教授迪克·斯坦斯特罗姆,58届.


  • Dr. 托马斯P. “汤姆”湖60, U.S. Navy veteran, retired radiologist; May 3, 2021, in Springfield, Ill. 幸存者包括他的妻子, 乔安妮·齐默尔曼湖,60年, 两个儿子, 包括88年的保罗·莱克, 和姐夫, 68年詹姆斯·齐默尔曼.
  • 安德鲁·W. Boesel 63他是美国咨询公司的退休领导力顾问.S. Department of Agriculture; March 14, 2021, in Chevy Chase, Md. 他的妻子Kaye Boesel陪伴了他53年.
  • 拉尔夫·C. 哈代65, former attorney and partner of Ariano and Hardy Law Firm; June 26, 2021, in Huntley, Ill. 幸存者包括他的妻子 of 54 years, Nancy Napier 哈代65, and three daughters.
  • 琼·格雷格·卢克65年, retired senior account manager with CNA Insurance; April 5, 2021, in Albuquerque, N.M. 她的丈夫威廉·卢克(William Luke)先于她去世. 她身后有两个继女和一个继子.
  • 玛西·卢·罗斯·奥尔森65年, 退休教师, 贝洛伊特鲷鱼棒球队的前主席, community volunteer; March 28, 2021, 在贝洛伊特, 威斯康星州. 她留下了丈夫约根·奥尔森(jorgenolsen)和两个儿子.
  • 西奥多·W. “泰德”帕森斯的65年; May 22, 2021, in Otsego, Mich. 他的妻子去世了, Mary Parsons, three sons, and one stepson.
  • 达芙妮Fautin 66, 堪萨斯大学名誉教授, former marine biologist; March 12, 2021, 在梅德福, 矿石. She is survived by her husband, Bob Buddemeier, and three stepdaughters.
  • 约翰·E. 富特68, U.S. Army veteran, retired engineering technician; Nov. 2020年8月28日,康涅狄格州希布伦. 幸存者包括许多家庭成员.
  • Ione C. Van Den Elzen ' 69, retired English teacher; June 11, 2021, 在贝洛伊特, 威斯康星州. 她有一个女儿和一个儿子.


  • 蒂莫西·C. 拉金71; March 31, 2020, in Montrose, Mich.
  • 南希·J. Volkman 71他是得克萨斯大学的副教授&M University, landscape architect; Sept. 2013年10月10日,德克萨斯州布莱恩.
  • 丹尼尔·C. “丹”杰克逊的72年, principal with Jackson Law Office; June 19, 2021, in Champaign, Ill. 他的妻子琳达·杰克逊(Linda Jackson)去世.
  • 约翰J. Lobick 72, former product manager with AGFA Healthcare; July 8, 2021, in Lemont, Ill.
  • 希瑟·帕里什·梅纳德,74年, equity security analyst at UMB Bank, avid ballroom dancer; April 1, 2021, in Leawood, Kan. Survivors include her husband, Robert Maynard’75, and two daughters.
  • 肯尼斯•D. Overholt 77; July 4, 2021, in San Francisco, Calif.
  • 卡罗尔一个. Ahlgren 79, 建筑历史学家, board member of the Jefferson Highway Association; May 15, 2021, 在晶体, 明尼苏达州. She is survived by her husband, Mark Mueske, 和姐姐, Susan Ahlgren Van Sant’73.


  • 苏珊·M. 检查者81, adjunct professor and research and reference librarian; May 4, 2021, in Pullman, Wash. She is survived by her mother, Charlotte Vetter, and numerous family members.
  • 伊莱恩·索特·亨特,83年, co-founder of Atlantic Asset Management, avid traveler; April 9, 2021, in New Canaan, Conn. 她的祖父西奥多. Lipman (1916), 祖母黑兹尔·佩姬·李普曼(1916), 露西尔·利普曼(1919), 维奥拉·利普曼(1912), 母亲露易丝·利普曼·西尔,43岁, 和姐姐, 南希Soeurt 87. Survivors include 两个儿子, 和姐姐s, Jeanette Soeurt Curtis’80 and Anne Soeurt Meronk’74.
  • 蒂莫西·C. 施耐德86, assistant vice president of technical operations services for US Bank; April 15, 2021, 在Lakeville, 明尼苏达州. 他留下了两个儿子和许多家庭成员.


  • 蒂莫西·W. 韦弗92, former actor; March 8, 2021, in Los Angeles, Calif. He is survived by two daughters and numerous family members.
  • 罗伯特·P. Ly’99, former case manager with Catholic Charities; April 2021, in Brown Deer, 威斯康星州. 他的妻子鲍涛(Bao Thao)幸存下来.


  • 罗杰·P. Fendrich, 十大菠菜台子 professor of philosophy from 1969-77; July 21, 2021, in Chevy Chase, Md. 他的妻子去世了 of 56 years, Renee Fendrich, and 两个儿子.
  • 约翰·E. 休斯, 企业家, 房利美糖果公司的前首席执行官, 科尔曼基金会前主席和主席, 贝洛伊特 friend and donor who was instrumental in supporting the launch of 企业家ship education and establishing CELEB; April 28, 2021. 他的妻子去世了, 珍妮·休斯, 一个女儿, 两个孙子, 还有两个曾孙.
  • 简Svennevig, host mother to 十大菠菜台子 international students; April 13, 2021, in White Bear Lake, 明尼苏达州. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, Egil Svennevig, 一个女儿 and a son.
  • 戴尔H. 莱特, former learning resource technician with 十大菠菜台子; June 9, 2021, in Janesville, 威斯康星州. 他的妻子去世了, Denise 莱特, two daughters, and 两个儿子.




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