
Nine Longtime Faculty Members Retire

The college calendar filled with celebratory gatherings throughout spring as 贝洛伊特 witnessed a wave of retirements, including nine faculty members who received emeriti status during an April recognition event.

Three legendary teachers and scholars in mathematics and computer science alone received emeriti honors: 保罗•坎贝尔, 大卫·埃利斯, 史蒂文Huss-Lederman. Campbell has dedicated 更多的 than 40 years to teaching and scholarship at 贝洛伊特. He started the college’s Mathematics Colloquium, served as longtime editor of a prestigious mathematics journal, wrote a book on contemporary applied mathematics that’s been used by 更多的 than a million students nationwide. 大卫·埃利斯, 拓扑动力学专家, taught for 更多的 than 30 years at 贝洛伊特 with the perspective that mathematics is a liberal art, a compelling subject that requires and leads to difficult and interesting questions, 而不是一套程序. 史蒂文Huss-Lederman, 计算机科学教授, developed and oversaw programs that encouraged 更多的 women and minority students to pursue majors in computer science, instilled students with a social responsibility as they worked under his leadership on open source software (free to users) that colleges can use to monitor energy usage.

安德拉斯Boros-Kazai has taught interdisciplinary courses on Central Europe and Central Asia under the auspices of the political science department for the past 30 years. 匈牙利人, he shared his Hungarian language expertise at 贝洛伊特, teaching students a language few other liberal arts colleges offer. He has been a productive translator over his tenure, a voracious reader who keeps up with the latest scholarship covering a large territory of the world stretching from Europe to 中国.

比尔格林, who retired as director of the Logan Museum of Anthropology after 17 years, substantially improved an already highly regarded museum. 在他任内, the Logan attracted 更多的 than $1 million in external grants, 扩大展览, 加强对藏品的研究, 促进学生参与, became one of two nationally accredited academic museums in Wisconsin. In addition to teaching anthropology and museum studies, he has been a central figure in educating people about 贝洛伊特’s Native American burial mounds.

自1981年以来, 伊恩·聂 教授音乐理论, 钢琴, 音乐技术, served as a role model for students of all ages — both at the college and in the larger community. In 2005, with the opening of 贝洛伊特’s entrepreneurship center, he took on additional responsibilities as director of Maple Tree, 中心的音乐工作室. 出生在天津, 中国, 在香港长大, Nie studied music in the United States and 意大利 and has performed in the United States, 中国, 意大利, 和瑞士.

约翰·拉普, professor of political science, joined 贝洛伊特’s faculty in 1986. He founded the Asian Studies program, which he helped develop into one of the college’s signature offerings. He taught a broad range of comparative politics courses on 中国, Communist and post-Communist systems, 工业民主国家, as well as courses on comparative revolutions, 异议, 无政府主义, 政治小说. Rapp has been a friend and mentor to countless Chinese and Asian students, who found him to be a dedicated and passionate advocate.

拉里•白 leaves a legacy of engaging his students in the study of psychology but also teaching them about culture, 历史, 和法律, 也许最重要的是, 如何成为终身学习者. Over a 35-year teaching career as a professor of psychology, 他教过社会学课程, 法医, 以及跨文化心理学, 以及这门学科的历史, directed study abroad programs in Australia, 爱沙尼亚, 和摩洛哥. He conducts research on eyewitness testimony and false confessions, 就刑事案件提供咨询, 并担任专家证人.

生物学教授 肯Yasukawa, a highly regarded behavioral ecologist and expert on the reproductive behavior and ecology of birds, started teaching at 贝洛伊特 in 1980. A remarkable teacher and prolific scholar, he has involved students extensively in his field research, regularly co-authoring articles and giving presentations with them at professional conferences. He developed and taught Biometrics, the biology department’s experimental design and biological statistics course. In addition, Yasukawa was a beloved volleyball coach at 贝洛伊特 for 30 years.


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